City Center Bellevue


Employees who customarily commute to work by carpool, vanpool, or public transit are eligible to receive up to two full-day parking vouchers per month to be used within 30 days of receipt. To be eligible, you must be an employee of a building tenant, take a qualifying alternative commute 4 days per week on average for the month (80% of days the building is open), and must complete this form. Vouchers may only be used by the person to whom they are assigned, and are non-transferrable. Any misuse of a voucher (transferring it to another parker, etc.) or misrepresentation on this form will result in permanent disqualification from the program and fines as specified below. 

  • You must register by the 20th of the current month to be eligible for the next month. If you register between the 21st-31st you will be eligible for the month after next.

  • Connect Bellevue will be in the building lobby on the last Monday of the month from

    9 am-12 pm to give out passes. If you miss this day, you can pick up passes from Connect Bellevue on the immediately following Thursday from 9 am-1 pm only. Please note that holidays could affect this schedule so please watch the lobby screen for updates.

Register for your free parking benefits here.

  • Would you like to know more sustainable ways to travel in and around Bellevue? Receive a FREE commute plan by email!

  • Employees registered for building benefits can also receive the Emergency Ride Home benefit in case of a qualifying emergency.